Subscriber Terms

Time-Stamping Service

ZIPPER’s Qualified Time-Stamping Service certifies the existence of specific data at a certain point of time.
It should be used in digital signing of documents or archiving process.

Time-Stamping Service uses PKI and trusted time sources (synchronized with the national time source) to provide secure and reliable information that is compatible with international standards.
The time stamp will be transmitted to the applicant through the transport mechanisms provided based on standard RFC 3161 - time stamp protocol (over HTTP protocol).

ZIPPER’s Qualified Time-Stamping Service supports also the following timestamping:
- PAdESService - adds a timestamp to a PDF document;
- ASiCWithCAdESService - creates a timestamped ASiC container with provided documents.

Validation Service

When a party needs to rely on signed electronic data (e.g. a signed document), it is very often important that it can verify:
- The integrity of the signed data;
- The authenticity of the signed data.

The requirements for the validation of qualified electronic signatures are, in particular, described in Article 32 of the eIDAS Regulation. In this context, integrity means that no modification has been made to the signed data after it has been signed; Authenticity means that the signature is supported by a qualified certificate identifying the signatory, and that only the signatory can produce the signature. A summary and non-exhaustive overview of the steps involved in the validation process for qualified electronic signatures would be:
- The verification of the integrity of the data;
- The verification of the validity of the certificate;
- The verification of the qualified status of the certificate and;
- The verification if the signature was created by a qualified electronic signature creation device.

If you are interested in these services please contact us.
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Subscriber Agreement Template PDF

Terms and Conditions for Time-Stamping Service PDF

Terms and Conditions for Validation Service PDF